Candidates that have been interviewed and vetted
  are featured in the

Blue Book Ballot Project

"Brenda Diaz is one of Montgomery County’s candidates in the November election who intends to fight for religious freedom in local public schools."

Click HERE to read the Article: Maryland Democratic Party is funding a white leftist agenda in local school board races
Blue book f b 11.24 election
Blue Book Ballots - A group of teachers, parents, and community members interviewed and vetted MCPS Board of Education candidates. The candidates we are endorsing are in line with our objectives such as:
  • Support financial transparency and accountability;
  • Support parents’ rights to be fully informed about ALL programs their children are subjected to in school and
  • Strive for excellence and focus on academics so all students can reach their full potential.

We are looking for volunteers to hand out these ballots at all voting sites during the coming elections.

How You Can Help UARE